Today is the first day of spring, which is usually one of my favorite days, however I spent most of the day inside, and nothing about where I currently am in Missouri, other than it wasn't too bad temperature-wise, says springtime. Next week being in the Carolinas will more than make up for it! I did get a pretty spectacular view of the absolutely gorgeous sunset, per usual from the third floor apartment here. And I did get to spend most of my day in a whirlwind of dog hair, and doggy wrestling, while puppy sitting one of the cutest corgis! I wasn't able to get much accomplished until she went home for the day lol And then I finished up photos of this adorable, of course always silly, boxer puppy, Batman! His name! His collar! His still awkward, flashy legs! *swoon* I'm not partial to boxers at all haha I've loved four of those snorting, slobbering, farting, wiggling butts in my life, and I'm sure there will be more to come! We'd been trying to make this happen since late fall, but let me tell you, the West Virginia winter was nasty this year, and aside from the wetness, and frigid cold, who would put those gorgeous white feet in mud?! Not I! The morning this all finally worked out was perfect, because about 5 minutes after getting inside, the wonderful cloudy sky gave way to glaring midday sun—plus it was about 60°F, not freezing. He got to have a playdate with our little man George, and then he was wonderfully cooperative for a puppy! Here are a few of my favorites of Batman!