Pet Parent(s) Name(s)
What is your name? Does it have a special meaning?
What is your age in human years?
Where did you come from?
What are you?
What is your breed/type?
Are you camera shy?
Are you nervous or anxious?
Have you ever been professionally photographed before? If yes, was it a good experience? Why or why not?
Will you be professionally groomed prior to your shoot? 3 Days prior is recommended for dogs that require regular grooming.
What is your energy level?
What are your favorite activities?
Do you have a favorite place, or places?
Do you run away if you're off leash? It's ok, most pets are leashed during sessions!
Do you know commands such as sit and stay?
Do you know any special tricks?
What motivates you most? Food, praise, toys? Other?
Do you have trigger words like treat, ride, walk?
Do you have any food allergies?
Do you have any bad habits such as biting, people or dogs?
Parents - tell me your pet's story and what you love most about them!
Parents, do you have a specific location in mind for the session? If studio session, simply type studio.
Parents, do you have any props, or costumes you'd like to include?
Parents, do you have any specific shots you'd like?
Parents do you wish to be included in any of the images? This can be done directly, or indirectly.
Parents, have you given any thought as to how and where you would like to display your images? If purchasing a digital package, simply say digital.
Would you like assistance in planning and designing how to display your artwork?
What additional products are you or your parents interested in?
Framed Canvas Gallery Wraps
Framed Acrylic Prints
Framed Metal Prints
Framed Prints
Unframed Art
Digital Collection for Viewing Only
Digital Collection for Print
Instagram Package
Desk and Gift Products and Prints
Round, Hex, or Octagonal Wall Art
Purchased Digital Studio Package
Do you have a budget in mind?
Less than $2,000
More than $5,000
Please let me know of any special needs, medical issues, or concerns
Parents, how did you find out about me?
Share a picture!
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